Inf Installer Tool

Note InfVerif replaces the ChkINF tool. When you build a driver in Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 with Windows Driver Kit (WDK) 10, the compiler runs the tool automatically as part of the build process. Alternatively, you can run the InfVerif.exe tool from the command line. The verification tool is part of the WDK 10 installation, and can be found in the tools subdirectory of your WDK 10 installation, c: Program Files(x86) Windows Kits 10 tools. The InfVerif tool reports the following types of errors/warnings: • Errors/Warnings (1200-1299): These issues do not prevent your driver package from being installed, but they do indicate that specific lines of your INF are not being executed when the driver is installed. Download free freenas i386 livecd 0 7 1 4944 iso software.

Inf Installer Tool

• Issues that make an INF non-universal. (1300-1309) • Warnings (2000-2999): These issues are always reported as warnings. In this section Topic Description This topic lists the options that are available when you run InfVerif.exe from the command line. This topic describes driver installation errors and warnings that can appear as a result of the automatic INF verification that Visual Studio performs, or when you run the InfVerif tool. Related topics Feedback.

I followed the normal downloading procedure and when i was done i tried to install i printer. THE THE SOFTWARE NOW TELLS ME THERE IS NO VALID INF FILE AVAILABLE Summary. Feb 10, 2017 - OpenVPN installers come bundled with a command-line tool called. Drivers for from C: Program Files TAP-Windows driver OemVista.inf.