Kashful Asrar By Khomeini Pdf To Word

Mixxxer app download ios. Author: Imam Khomeini; Translator: Mahliqa Qarai and Ali Quli-Qarai; Publisher: International Affairs Department,The Institute for Compilation and Publication. 18 Apr Kashf ul Asrar English Translation with Persian Text: is the translated English version by Ambreen Moghees Sarwari Qadri.

This book contains. 14 Sep We have collected some references from the book of Khomeini “Kashaful Asrar” for the Sunni Muslims who are deceived by the Shias that. Author: Felrajas Akinor Country: Bangladesh Language: English (Spanish) Genre: Photos Published (Last): 9 April 2013 Pages: 269 PDF File Size: 8.6 Mb ePub File Size: 19.21 Mb ISBN: 287-8-11517-949-2 Downloads: 29035 Price: Free* [ *Free Regsitration Required] Uploader: According to journalist James Buchan. The Spirit of Allah. You are commenting using your Twitter account. Kashf al-Asrar Revolvy Time Persons of the Year.

Syed Fakhar Imam, The Former Speaker of the National Assembly of Pakistan said: 'Leaders such as Imam Khomeini (Mercy of Allah be upon him) are not.

To open the eyes of the Sunni brethren of ours, who have been deceived by Khomeini’s propaganda machinery, we shall present here the views of the Shi’i religion – views and statements extracted from the authoritative books of theology of the Shi’i. You just look at him and you get tears. On 22 Kashfjl Khomeini issued a strongly worded declaration denouncing the Shah and his plans. Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. I cannot imagine and no wise person can presume the claim that we spared our bloods so watermelon becomes cheaper. I honestly do not understand why the Shia think of Khomeini as an Islamic leader? Kashf-ul-asrar, page 69, khamini.

Was the Prophet Peace on Him so stupid??? Men jumped into the grave. Tributary conditions, 13Tahrir al-Vasilehvolume 2, pp. The Shi’ites say that we will never go to Paradise! But, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam made special dua for Abu Hurairah in respect of narration of ahadith, hence we observe the ahadith in abundance narrated by him.

Khomeini is reported to have told his president: January December Sharah Kashaf-ul-Majoob urdu Hadrat Data. Awesome work brother for exposing this kafir khumeni the lier who decieved the Muslims in the name shiasunni unitynow he is exposed what a lier and kazzab he was. A whiskey-drinking professor told an American journalist that Khomeini brought pride back khkmeini Iranians. Hulyat-ul-mateen, mulla baqar majlisi. Khomeini” by Ali Reza Eshraghi20 August He got what he deserved in his funeral when the people that loved him misstakly took his sheets off, then stempin on him unaware.

He goes to bed exactly on time. Fasl-ul-khitaab fee tahreef kitaab rab-ul- arbab, page 4, Noori Tibri. But God astar ordered him to convey it and He had promised his safety and he i. Insha’Allah, this claim will be described later. Umar was a real kafir and Zandeeq.

Kashful Asrar By Khomeini Pdf To Word

Imam Khomeini Book Library You hit on the right point!!! Their sign is on their faces because of the impression of abundance of Sajdah Ahsan-ul-maqaal, pagesafdar Husain najfi. The Shias will still practice taqiyah and defend this doomed person, but this article is only for the Sunni Muslims, who are fooled by the Shias that Khomeini was a flag bearer of unity between Shias and Muslims. Archived from the original PDF on 27 November The Struggle for Reform in Iran. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam made special dua for Hadhrat Abu Hurairah Radiallahu Anhubut Khomeini has the following to say about this eminent Sahaabi and Muhaddith: It is not acceptable that a tributary [non-Muslim who pays tribute] changes his religion to another religion not recognized by the followers of the previous religion. Or whether it was a challenge to all of the Muslim world, or a threat to the bonafides of the beliefs of Sunnis. I meant theocracy By Dr.