R4i Dsi Ll 141 Firmware Download

About r4idsgold_Upgrade_NDSL_V141.nds 1.r4idsgold_Upgrade_NDSL_V141.nds is for NDSL. 2.You should get a NDS Lite. 3.Copy r4idsgold_Upgrade_NDSL_V141.nds to the TF card. 4.Start r4ids gold 5.Pull out your r4ids and reinsert it again. 6.Press Key A and the upgrading will begin. 7.If 'upgrading succeeds' shows, it means your r4ids has been upgraded successfully. 8.If Card check fail,please reinsert the card and try once again.

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Nintendo dsi custom firmware

9.Attention uring the whole process,you should keep your NDSi powered on. 10.This program can be used to upgrade r4ids continually.You can insert another r4ids and upgrade it after one is finished. About r4idsgold_Upgrade_NDSi_V141.nds 1.r4idsgold_Upgrade_NDSi_V141.nds is for NDSi. 2.You should get a NDSi whose software should be under V1.4.1. 3.Copy r4idsgold_Upgrade_NDSi_V141.nds to the TF card. 4.Start r4ids gold 5.Press Key A and the upgrading will begin. 6.If 'upgrading succeeds' shows, it means your r4ids has been upgraded successfully.

R4i SDHC V1.4.5 card, hardware enhanced new r4i cartridge, supports firmware upgrade for gaming on 3DS XL LL, 3DS, DSi XL LL, DSi and DS. So, download and analyse the system files, then you would be sure if you can use it or not. R4i gold V2.0 Firmware,Download R4i gold V2.0 Kernel from www.r4ids.com. R4i Gold Edition from www.r4ids.com now sold in the market are V2.0 version and the old version of cassette R4i gold has been stopped selling. R4i gold V2.0 Firmware below have been tested and work for Nintendo DSi XL,DSi LL, DSi, DSL and DS.

7.Attention uring the whole process,you should keep your NDSi powered on.

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