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Practice Essentials Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura TTP is a rare blood disorder characterized by clotting trombocitopennica small blood vessels thrombosesresulting in a low platelet count. Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP) Coppo P, Veyradier A. Unknown, bacterial infectionscertain medications, autoimmune diseasespregnancy [3]. The underlying mechanism typically involves autoantibody-mediated inhibition of the enzyme ADAMTS13a metalloprotease responsible for cleaving large multimers of von Willebrand factor vWF into smaller units. Pediatric nephrology Berlin, Germany.
Check out this article to learn more or contact your system administrator. Please log in to add your comment. TTP during pregnancy may precipitate fetal loss. Creating downloadable prezi, be patient. Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura The therapy of choice for TTP is plasma exchange with fresh frozen plasma. The bruising often takes the form of purpurawhile the most common site of bleeding, if it occurs, is from the nose or gums.
Disease or Syndrome T Purpura, Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic C Neurologic manifestations include alteration in mental status, seizures, hemiplegia, paresthesias, visual disturbance, and aphasia. In about half of cases a trigger is identified, while in the remainder the cause remains unknown. Outcomes of platelet transfusion in patients with thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura: The signs and symptoms of TTP may at first be subtle and nonspecific.
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Search Bing for all related images. Current management and therapeutical perspectives in thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. In several large studies, the median age at diagnosis is approximately 40 years. These thrombi consist predominantly of platelets with little fibrin and red cells compared with thrombi that occur secondary to intravascular coagulation. Analysis of a French national registry found that the rate of TTP in France was 13 cases per million population.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. In general, survivors have no long-term sequelae, with the exception of residual neurologic deficits in a minority of patients. Large bruisesfeverweakness, shortness of breath trombofitopenica, confusion, headache [3] [2]. A phase 2 study of the safety and efficacy of rituximab with plasma exchange in acute acquired thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. Child Neurology 7th ed.
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