Llama Firearms Serial Numbers

There is no date code near trigger guard or in any other area on my.22 especial at all ( original not refinished ) - also checked my astra 600 + it has no date codes - could find no reference to date codes in the history of spanish pistols + revolvers by Gangarosa - only marking on frame is serial number + import stamp - l/r of slide has standard eibar proof - right side of slide marked llama especial - left side of slide is marked gabilondo y cia elgoibar espana, cal.22 llama - pre XV non ribbed slide - i remember seeing only one other like this. There is no date code near trigger guard or in any other area on my.22 especial at all ( original not refinished ) - also checked my astra 600 + it has no date codes - could find no reference to date codes in the history of spanish pistols + revolvers by Gangarosa - I have 22 Spanish pistols - Astra, Llama, Star.

Running a gun serial number search before you buy will make sure you get a gun that you can legally own and register in your name. Locate the serial number for the gun you want to check. If you are purchasing a gun or checking one that is already in your possession, you can check the documentation that came with the gun. Sep 15, 2007 - Just today picked up a Llama at a local auction. Right side of the frame, just under and to the left of serial number 36984, is a G C in a circle.

ALL have date codes, as required by Spanish law. On some pistols it is under the grips. Llamas are sometimes poorly stamped on curved surfaces, but almost always above the trigger.

Llama Firearms Serial Numbers

Aeg lavatherm 57700 service manual 2017. On both my 600s it is behind (to the right of) the top of the left grip, between two proof marks.