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Danes skupaj z vami testiram masko iz želatine (hydrogel). Kako se mi zdi? Ali je sploh vredna svoje pretirane cene? Najdeš jo tudi na SkinTricku: Gre za Whamisa Hydrogel masko, ki obljublja navlaženo, posvetljeno kožo brez gub. Outlook express duplicate remover crack. Ali obljubljeno tudi drži?

Apr 16, 2018  Danes skupaj z vami testiram masko iz želatine (hydrogel). Kako se mi zdi? Ali je sploh vredna svoje pretirane cene? Najdeš jo tudi na SkinTricku: https://go.

Preveri v videu. 🍒 KJE ME NAJDEŠ?: FACEBOOK: BLOG: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: 🍒O meni: Hejla, moje ime je Tamara in že vrsto let blogam na CherryColors strani. Blogam večinoma v angleščini o lepoti, izdelkih in stvareh, ki me veselijo. Zadnjih leto se posvečam tudi snemanju videov. Kot vidiš se o temu še učim, tako da če imaš kakšen nasvet ga bom zelo vesela.:) Videi varirajo med strogo lepotnimi do 'wtf sem zdaj gledal/a'. Če te zanima o čemu bo tekla debata v naslednjem videu, se lahko pridružiš naši družini. Zelo te bom vesela!

🍒Kontakt za sodelovanja: Dosegljiva sem na emailu: -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: 'Odpri z mano: POPREAL Paketek 📮 CherryColors' -~-~~-~~~-~~-~.

Although I rarely write about hair products, this time I'll make an exception. I don't like to write about these products for the simple reason that they rarely leave a large effect on the hair, so I can never give a certain comment on any of them.

However, a new product line from Stevan Still attracted my attention, and in the following text you can read why in more detail. You may have already noticed new Stevan Still products in drug stores. There are 3 new StillPro hair product lines (argan, macadamia, and keratin), and each contains a shampoo, conditioner and a mask. I've decided to try the line for dry and damaged hair with argan oil. Argan oil, which is contained in this product line has a double effect - it coats the hair making it shiny, but also compensates for the lack of lipids in the skin of the scalp and protects your hair from drying out. The whole line has the beautiful and rich fragrance that reminds me of the old hairdressing salons and shampoo and conditioners that we have used as kids.

Floral, fruity and very refreshing scent. Shampoo is nice because it creates a good foam and cleans hair well. I shampoo my hair twice, and even the first shampooing has quite a lot of foam. Conditioner is applied after the shampoo and massaged into the hair and scalp.

It needs to stay on for 1 minute. It's a little rarer but nevertheless it smooths my dry hair well and makes combing easier. Hronometrazh rabochego dnya buhgaltera primer. I use this mask once a week instead of a conditioner. It is applied after the shampoo on towel dried hair.